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Responsable del tratamiento: Brillance Homes Inmobiliaria, SL, Finalidad del tratamiento: Gestión y control de los servicios ofrecidos a través de la página Web de Servicios inmobiliarios, Envío de información a traves de newsletter y otros, Legitimación: Por consentimiento, Destinatarios: No se cederan los datos, salvo para elaborar contabilidad, Derechos de las personas interesadas: Acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, solicitar la portabilidad de los mismos, oponerse altratamiento y solicitar la limitación de éste, Procedencia de los datos: El Propio interesado, Información Adicional: Puede consultarse la información adicional y detallada sobre protección de datos Aquí.


If you want more information about our agency or our catalog of properties for sale, do not hesitate to contact us. Our real estate agents will attend you wonderfully and will answer your query quickly.


To guarantee a perfect all-in-one service for our customers. To provide exceptional service. Being a company that allows the client to feel exclusivity and commitment throughout the process of buying a property. From the transport service from the airport to the professional and personal support and support in all post-purchase matters. Clients should simply feel comfortable with us and have the opportunity to be accompanied by us throughout the process, without pressure and constantly.


Ensure the customer a pleasant and exceptional shopping experience. Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction.
